How To Stop Mold Growth After A Flood

How To Stop Mold Growth After A Flood

Spring is the most likely season for heavy rains and serious flooding. For people who have compromised immune systems, asthma, and allergies, mold outbreaks can cause health problems as well as damage your home. For proper mold removal Chicago, you have to catch this problem early which constitutes 24 to 48 hours after the flooding occurs. With that being said a combination of detergent, water, and hard work can control minor outbreaks. Here are a few ways to halt growing mold after a flood.

Tips For Mold Cleanup After A Flood
Contact a professional when tackling mold if you have a compromised immune or respiratory system. The reason for this is that extended periods of mold exposure and being close to bleach is dangerous to people who have health problems. In the event that this is not your situation you can proceed with the cleanup advice that follows for mold remediation Chicago.

Cleanup areas that have been exposed and dry them out as soon as possible.
Implement dehumidifiers and fans to get air circulation. Another way is to open doors and windows.
If any residue left over is wet and not easy to clean or dry you should remove them. Items made out of porous such as upholstery, ceiling tiles, clothing, carpeting, carpet padding, drywall, paper, food, etc. are hard to clean. Removing these items after a cleanup is important based on the fact that dead mold brings about allergic reactions. Use the detergent and water mixture to keep mold growth from becoming prevalent. Keep your damaged resources outside of your home at least until you can get your insurance claim in.
Mix 1 cup of bleach and 1 gallon of water to work on molds that are not easy to clean.

Abstain from turning on your heating or air conditioning units and contact a mold removal Chicago contractor in this situation. HVAC systems that are affected should be checked for dirt, microorganisms, and debris which can sometimes expose mold and bacteria. Thoroughly inspect these systems for damage and clean any problem areas by disinfecting them with professional remediation services.

Professional Mold & Water Damage Services in Chicago
When your needs are dire and you are experiencing mold infestations contact us now! Our mold removal Chicago contractors are here to provide an overall solution for your home and your family. Our experience spans many years and we handle projects of all sizes.

Simply Mold Gone
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